Welcome to the blog.

This blog is a New Zealand based blog, commenting on political and Christian issues. We are conservative on both and not ashamed of either. But don’t let that stop you reading us.

ScrubOne is currently the main blogger here. Actually, he’s pretty much the only one. There are other registered bloggers, but their contributions are rare, and in some cases non-existent! ScrubOne’s wife ILOVEMRSTIGGYWINKLE is one of those, and occasionally makes brief appearances – though she’s currently retired from blogging (3rd time if my count is correct). She has quite a different style – less, er, intense.

ScrubOne is very open to people of like mind joining the crew as fellow bloggers. Just drop an email to scrubone at gmail. Note the old @itagain.co.nz email is gone, finished, done.

Tips are also welcome.

ScrubOne has a couple of rules he imposes on himself.

1. Don’t ever use block uppercase. Ever.

2. Don’t use bad language.

Oh, and a note on stocks. ScrubOne occasionally blogs on stocks, being an interest of his. However, (due to various insider trading issues among other things), he never blogs on stocks that he is going to buy, or owns, or has sold. The one exception to this is Telecom, because everyone owns that in New Zealand. If a stock is commented on, that usually means Scrubone has no intention of buying it for the foreseeable future.

Translation: don’t blame us for your bad stock picks, because if it’s mentioned here we’re not going to buy it so why should you?

Why Halfdone?

Scrubone has an idea in his head as to what he would like his ideal blog to look like. Since that is unachievable, this blog remains incomplete. The name also serves as an excuse for the occasional grossly frequent stuffups, misspellings, bad grammer, syntax not paid to IRD or really bad attempts at puns. Run-on sentences too.

What’s with the title?

After agonizing over the address, Scrubone was faced with the task of choosing a title and decided that he’d already made one difficult choice that day, and would put this one off. So he put in something in the meantime that would remind him to get around to it. “Something should go here, maybe later.

Well, in spite of a recent episode where the blog was finally named “$800,000”, it turns out that name had a certain quirkiness. Also, old pictures became unavailable under the new name. So we kept it.

What’s the Image?

I decided to change the header image, after realising that my blog looked a lot like others. Then I realised that I’d been accidentally inspired by another blog’s header… so I found this image on Flickr.


Halfdone neither requests or accepts request for blogroll entries. Thus, if you see this blog in the blogroll of another blog (with one exception) we are there because the author thought we were worth reading. Ditto for blogs on our blogroll, we think they are worth your time to read.

However, if you do email us, we are much more likely to think about putting you on ours than if you hadn’t.

Comments Policy

If you wish to make a useful contribution or criticism, feel welcome to do so. This blog is not exactly known for comments, so we haven’t had much of an issue with them. However, a few have been deleted from time to time.

One blogger who said something along the lines of “you’re $%#@$% useless” did get his comment deleted owing to the non-contributionary nature of this phrase, plus the fact that he did not at any point explain exactly why the target of said comment was in fact useless.

Another blogger was told to he was not welcome, as his other postings revealed him to be an idiot, and on that thread ScrubOne specifically asked to hear from rational people.

A third blogger got his comment deleted after he made incendiary remarks about the PM former PM without the slightest evidence.

A fourth had his comment wiped after he suggested another commenter commit suicide.

The Legend of Halfdone

As legend tells, if this page is completed the blog will fail. Therefore, we are abliged to leave random msissplet words an d incomplete sentencanes at the end

10 responses to “About”

  1. Greetings

    Just posted two new videos on Youtube – the infamous story of ‘the Timaru Lady’ – a cautionary tale.

    Also…previously posted 5 videos.

    Renton Maclachlan

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – The Timaru Lady – 1 of 2

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – The Timaru Lady – 2 of 2


    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – 1 of 5

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – 2 of 5

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – 3 of 5

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – 4 of 5

    Criminalising Parents NZ Style – 5 of 5
    Contains graphic images – need to be over 18 to view.

  2. Can you provide a feed link to your blog. RSS or Atom etc.
    Just so I can read your posts directly in Thunderbird.

  3. Hm, thought there was one already. I’ll look into why it’s not working for you.

  4. I’ll join the crew.
    What does it entail?

  5. If you want to join up as a blogger, just send me an email.

  6. Frank Respinger Avatar
    Frank Respinger

    What is your email so that I can email you Material showing the extent of the corruptiom amongst those in the service of the Crown?

    F G Respinger

  7. Haha conservatives and their blogs. “I’m prochoice because if I had the choice, I’d have aborted you all”.

  8. This site is better than watching Seinfeld. And that’s saying something in this house. Greetings from Up Above.

    You’re on my blogroll, fellow anti-Jihadi.

    Ellie Katz

  9. I will be making some comments on this blog from now on.

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