Apparently, the new iPhone is being offered first here in New Zealand. But some people are not happy with the price.

The Herald forums have some interesting reading.

Can you say monopoly? Apple lowered the prices to make the iPhone more affordable to obtain. Yet Vodafone has gone ahead and made it impossible for anybody to own. Absolutely ridiculous prices and the Data plans are pathetic! $250 a month for 1GB of data? are you kidding me, that sorta price should be unlimited data. Sadly I will not be buying one now and will be interested to see what Telecom has to offer if they obtain the rights to sell it. I highly doubt their prices will be very competative anyhow.

Good gracious – Apple have a monopoly on iPhones? That must be stopped!

What a typical Vodafone NZ rort. How do they honestly justify a price double almost the US price? Crazy

Um, they think people will pay that. They have a perfect right to price the thing however they want, even if it destroys their business.

I’m an Apple crazy fan. I’ve actually taken a day off work on Friday to go and buy one. Now, I’ve just got a day off work – $6349 ? Has Vodafone lost it’s collective mind? They could have sold tens of thousands of these. There should have been a revolution in communication. I’m hoping that now there will be a revolt.

Maybe they’ve lost their mind, but you were going to take a whole day off work to buy a phone. Sure, it’s got come cool features, but it’s not like you’ve never had the opportunity to purchase a mobile phone before.

I’m grieving. I feel like Apple and I had a connection, a beautiful thing going. From that first Powerbook and iPod I brought way back in 2003, to the iPod shuffle I got from a friend cause I just had to have another apple goodies, to the all the little peripherals I brought for my mac, to watching steve at every keynote, to buying all the latest operating systems for my mac. man, I was so committed to Apple. Through thick and thin I stuck by.
But then along came the sneaky, slimy, Vodafone. There were rumours of him coming between me and my beloved. I fooled myself into thinking that he was a good guy: a decent guy. He wouldn’t do us wrong. He’d be ok. Time went by and things were going well, until one day. just before the 11th of July, the day I was to again rejoice in the ecstasy of buying my new Apple toy, at the eleventh hour, that sneaky slimy Vodafone made his move: he came between me and my beloved. The third, clunky wheel. The thorn in my side. A bitter pain with which I had not felt in our relationship before. He struck me where it hurt: my wallet.
And alas, he has taken her from me. There is nothing I can do. There are no words.

For Pete’s sake people – if you don’ like the price you have no right to demand a lower one. You can however not buy the thing, and it’ll come down soon enough.

In fact, far too soon for most people.

I guess I might pick one up of Trademe in a couple of years for $50.

2 responses to “iPhone Plans”

  1. The above quote demonstrates well the infatuation with material goods. People want to have a relationship with their phone?

    A bitter pain with which I had not felt in our relationship before. He struck me where it hurt: my wallet.

    Time to learn a cold hard truth about prostitution. When its all about the wallet, there is no relationship. There are just buyers and sellers.

  2. Hi Scrubone, yes it’s pretty bizzare isn’t it, people whining about prices – they can just jolly well not buy one if it’s too expensive! I actually reckon that, for what it is, it’s not too expensive. $80 per month with a $549 startup fee isn’t a huge deal for a busy executive. And even your $979 prepay option won’t really break the bank, when compared with other phones!

    Givus a break people!

    I blogged on the iPhone entering NZ here,

    – and will link to your post on mine 🙂
