I have been tagged by Homepaddock.

1. By number of teeth, I lean to the right, and did so even before/in spite of 2 extractions

2. When I was a kid, I participated in a pyramid style thing, but instead of money, it was simply a fun thing where postcards were sent to the person at the top of the list. I received a grand total of one.

3. I once had the unenviable task of standing in a farm gateway, keeping half-a-dozen, full grown, just-returned-from-escaped, bulls from escaping again while the farmer bought the last one back to the paddock after said bull casually crushed the paddock gate to make good his second escape.

4. I was at one time able to tell how much milk was in a milking machine canister simply by picking it up and feeling the weight.

5. My parents rang me up while I was at university and asked for money.

6. I once knew someone who later proved to be on the “FBI 10 most wanted” list. Don’t ask.

7. You know that thing where someone says something totally moronic, and someone else goes to laugh but turns it into a cough/choke to disguise it, then is asked if they’re ok thinking that it’s a real cough/choke – that really happens because it once happened to me.

(I almost coughed/chocked again, it was so funny.)


*  Link to the person who tagged you

*   Post the rules

*   Share seven random or weird facts about yourself

* Tag 7 random people at the end of the post with their links

I tag:

Andy Moore

Mr Dennis

the Optimist

and anyone else who comments on this blog.
