December 19:

The only reason I can think of is that National/ACT doesn’t like KiwiRail and insulation because they were the Left’s iniatives. There is certainly no pragmatic reason to drop them….We need more roads in the age of peak oil like we need a hole in the head.

January 5:

I’ve been thinking about the concurrent crises we face – peak oil, climate change, and tightening food supply…

January 8:

The more I learn about energy, and peak oil in particular, the more concerned I get. So, in the spirit of the season, I thought I would share some of it with you. I’ll get to some concrete things we need to start doing now to mitigate as much as we can the impact of falling oil supplies in the coming years. But before I do that I think a post or two on peak oil itself and its impacts would be a good idea. And, before that, a post on why energy is so important.

Now that everyone’s taken a deep breath, we realise that a whole lot of “peak oil”:

a) is over

b) was actually mostly driven by speculation.

That speculation was in very large part driven by… talk about “peak oil”. By driving up prices production was increased – today there are stories that that there is so much oil sloshing around that supertankers are being hired to try and store the stuff.

Seems like it might be a good idea to store up a whole lot as we’re… well, that’s another post.

But clearly, some people are having very real trouble adjusting now that the facts are adjusted.
