A Patterico reader has suggested….

Here’s one I’ve been toying with for years: Suppose the technology existed to safely remove a fetus from a womb at any gestational stage for incubation elsewhere until birth. If such “no-death abortion” was available to any woman who wanted it, would most abortion rights supporters stand down?

I’m especially interested in what abortion rights supporters have to say, because I’ve always thought that their position is based on opposition to forced pregnancy (”Keep your laws off my body”).

Unfortunately, when the precedent of partial-birth abortions is taken into account, I have severe doubt that any abortion supporter would actually support this sort of thing. When you insist that you have a right to kill a baby right before the moment of birth, are you really going to be happy to save that baby if technology allows?

One response to “Life Compatable Abortions”

  1. Interesting

    One feminist bio-ethicst Leslie Cannold wrote a book to address this very issue. In “the Abortion Myth” she sketched precisely the scenario you refer to, she was horrified that technology might mean that a women could abort with out killing a fetus. She then interviewed a whole lot of other pro choice women people and found they all found it horrifying as well, on the basis of this she suggested that the pro choice movement start reframing the debate in terms of the choice to be a mother and if it were framed this way they could demand the death of the fetus even if one could abort it without killing it.
